7 Safe Driving Tips For Deer Season
You are all packed and ready to go on your first deer hunt of the new season. You’ve got everything you need: your hunting backpack, guns, ammo, and camouflage. As you start driving to your favorite hunting spot, you begin to think of the size of deer you could possible get to shoot today. However, as you drive, you should be thinking about what to watch for on the road. The roads are not as safe as you think.
Via: Blogspot.com
The start of deer season also means that there are dangers of animals on the road. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), as the deer population continues to rise across the United States of America, there are over one and a half million deer-related incidents every calendar year. This is a staggering fact that affects hunters and their families.
Deer are the most common animal struck by moving vehicles. Three out of four accidents are caused by the deer population. Across America, these collisions between cars and deer cause an estimated $1.1 billion in damage, which have led to 150 people killed and 29,000 people are injured every year. So, do not be a statistic yourself and be extra cautious whenever you are on the road.
Most of the time, these accidents with deer occur on roads in rural countries where the speed limit is over fifty-five miles per hour (mph). Also, most accidents occur at dawn, dusk, or in complete darkness, causing drivers to be less aware of their surroundings. Sixty-percent of vehicle-animal accidents that include human fatalities are not caused by the deer itself, but because the passengers were not wearing their seatbelt. Seatbelts truly do save a person’s life.
More often than not, if a seatbelt is worn, the vehicle-animal accident will not be deadly. What comes next, like hitting a fixed object or another vehicle, due to the accident, are the reasons that these accidents can turn fatal.
"These crashes with deer happen during late fall, which is a big time for deer migration and breeding. Also, these crashes happen most during hunting season, which begins in mid-October and goes into mid-December. This is when the deer are most active out in the environment."
Some people believe that a whistle designed for deer or deer fences will keep these animals off the roads, but this does not always deter them from getting to where they want to go. Make sure that you stay alert for whatever comes your way. Currently, there is no consistent method to keep deer off the roads. Animal crossing signs are very helpful to keep you vigilant of the roadways at all times.
So, make sure that you remember these 7 Safe Driving Tips for Deer Season:
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Via: safebee.com
If you do have the unfortunate situation of striking a deer, make sure to report the accident to the local game commission or to any local law enforcement group. Wait until an agency arrives to walk you through any information that you need to know. You may have to call your insurance company, depending on the damage. Also, if your car is in worse shape than you thought, a tow-truck might be needed. A deer that is struck by a vehicle can be a danger to other vehicles driving in the area. Also, if the deer is still alive, do not go near the animal. Its sharp hooves could cause injury to you.
Finally, be extra cautious when you are out hunting this season. Do not forget your hunting backpack, drive slower than normal, and be aware and use your seatbelt. Now, go out there and enjoy the great outdoors. But, remember: Safety First!
Brandon Cox is the founder of StayHunting.com, who is passionate about all things of hunting and fitness. Through his hunting website, he would like to share tips & tricks, finest tech that will excite all of the intricacies of hunting whether you be an amateur or a professional.