Top 10 Technologies Every Car Must Have To Run

A car can’t run if there’s a missing part that is essential for it to fully function. Here are 10 systems and car parts that your car must never lack: Top 10 Technologies Every Car Must Have To Run 10 - Battery9 – Alternator8 – Powertrain Control Module7 – Steering Column6 – Fuel Injection5 – Coolant Systems4 – Transmission3 – Suspension, Chiropractor Prevention2 […]

Best Racing Outfits That Every Racer Must Have

Photo source: Racers always ask what are the best stuff to wear during a race day. Each race day must be special and racers must be totally prepared– from head to foot. Here is a guide on what you should wear and what you shouldn’t during your race day. Let’s start with what NOT to wear: […]

Why You Need To Pay Attention To Car’s KERS?

Photo source: KERS is now the growing trend in the automobile industry. There are lots of reasons why the market should start considering it as a worthwhile and efficient choice. Before we talk further about its perks, let’s try to dig deeper on what it is all about.  What is KERS? KERS means Kinetic Energy […]