What You Need To Know About INDYCAR

Car Racing has become one of the thrilling sports that many have come to love. Throughout the years, fans of these adventurous sport continue to grow in number. Over the past few years, many groups have emerged to make the car racing industry a more enjoyable scene for everybody. We have NASCAR, INDYCAR, and FIA. […]

Cars’ Aerodynamics: Here’s What You Need To Know

April 19, 2016

Photo source: http://www.buildyourownracecar.com/race-car-aerodynamics-basics-and-design/ Racers particularly need to have the knowledge about car’s aerodynamics. This is because it’s one of the key elements to pull off a good drive. In this article, we will discuss about car’s aerodynamics and what basic principles you have to take note of. Aerodynamics is the science of the way air flows […]

The History And Origin Of Formula One

April 18, 2016

Girls go obsessed with the latest fashion trends and make-up combinations, men also have some things to be busy about. Aside from getting updated to the latest NBA champion, men, especially those who belong to the upper class of the community, make sure that they get to enjoy themselves over fast and expensive cars. Lots […]

Top Causes Of Car Accidents In The World

Driving is a skill that involves a lot of focus, patience, and quick reaction time. People who are often on roads are at risk in experiencing different forms of vehicular accidents. These accidents can either be caused by the driver himself, by other surrounding drivers on the roads, or by hazards that are brought about […]